Abrasives Assorted Emery Cloths, pack of 5


Our range of Abrasives sandpaper helps to create a smooth and even surfaces when decorating or any woodwork, we have a wide variety of sizes and grits for that finishing perfection.

  • Suitable for general purpose hand sanding and surface preparation.
  • Quantity & Size: 5x 230 x 280mm: 2x Fine (P120), 1x Medium (P80) and 2x Course (P60).

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This assorted sandpaper is ideal for more tougher tasks it can be used either wet or dry getting rid of lacquers or orange peel finishes on walls, Coarse grades are used for more imperfections. Pack of 5 contains 2 x Fine (P180), 1 x Medium (P240) and 2 x Coarse (P600). This style of stand paper is a 230 x 280mm sheet with no punch holes.
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